

We’d like to invite you check out our new ‘Living and Learning’ private Facebook Group. This group is for you to share ideas and resources from both your spiritual practice and your everyday world. You’re welcome to share anything you think other passage meditators would enjoy or find inspiring. Ask a question, start a discussion, or share a favorite photo!

To access the Group, you will need a Facebook account. If you don’t have one, consider creating an alias account, just for the purpose of satsang!

In last weekend’s Online Workshop, and in anticipation of the upcoming holiday season, we thought about a routine time in our daily lives during which we could experiment with training the senses. We also thought about a way that we could remember our chosen time during the day, so that we are more set up for success over the next couple of months!

If you didn’t have a chance to join the Online Workshop live, please feel free to join us here and consider trying an experiment. We’d love to hear from you about what you’d like to try out this month. Please feel free to share any part of your experiment – the part of your day you’ll be experimenting with, or how you’ll help yourself remember to do it.