Viewing entries in
Work and Sadhana


Work Without Worry

We will close this study with Part 2 of Easwaran’s article “The Secret of Selfless Action” in the Spring 2019 Blue Mountain Journal. In the comments below, we’d love if you’d share a line or two that really stood out to you, or a practical step you’d like to emphasize for yourself and others.

Is there one thing you will be taking away from this month of reflection and practice? Do you have something new you can add to your practice of the eight points?



The Secret of Selfless Action

This week, we’re starting a new article on work and sadhana, in which Easwaran emphasizes the importance of selfless work. He places before us the promise of learning to work hard without any ego involvement at all. He reminds us that a quieter ego means a stiller mind.



Making Ourselves Whole

Thank you for your inspiring reflections on last week’s reading from the Spring 2019 Blue Mountain Journal “The Purpose of Work”! We’re continuing our conversation as a community on cultivating a new understanding of work as an opportunity to attain wisdom and deepen our practice by reducing self-will.

This week we’re diving into Part 2 of Easwaran’s article “Work: A Chance to Grow” to continue our exploration of the profundity hidden in the routines of daily working life, in the home or outside of it. After reviewing the article, please share your reflections in the comments section below. Is there one practical thing you can experiment with this week while you work?



The Purpose of Work

This month, we’re shifting to a series of reading studies from the Spring 2019 Blue Mountain Journal “The Purpose of Work”. We always like to share journals through the eSatsang because it’s a great opportunity to deepen our understanding of Easwaran’s teachings together, and gain new insights. What reflections do you have on Easwaran’s statement that the purpose of work is the attainment of wisdom? Does it inspire any reflections on the tremendous opportunity for growth in our daily lives?

Below is a story from Easwaran to illustrate how these lofty ideals look in an everyday context. As always, please share what stands out to you in the comments section. Feel free to summarize what you noted and/or share implications for your meditation practice. We look forward to hearing from you!