Technology with a Human Face

We’ve come to the final week of our month-long look at our use of technology, and how we can apply the eight-point program to it. It’s been interesting hearing all of your successes and challenges, and inspiring to hear about the creative ways you’ve been experimenting.

In the tenth of Easwaran’s technology aphorisms, he asks for “technology with a human face.” Have you seen creative examples in action of “technology with a human face”? To conclude this month’s topic, we’ll leave Easwaran with the last word in the reading excerpt below. In the following article, he reminds us of our ultimate goal and responsibilities. He encourages us to take “discriminating action”, and to learn how to choose freely the things that will make us the most compassionate and kind person we can be. We look forward to your comments!



Enjoying Alternative Forms of Entertainment

Thank you again for all of your thoughtful comments regarding technology use and how it relates to our spiritual practice. Have you noticed benefits to an additional focus on your use of technology as seen through a spiritual lens over the past few weeks?

In the next section of our ongoing reading study, Easwaran suggests that we cultivate discrimination by trying alternative forms of entertainment, particularly in the company of children. Is there a substitution you’ve made in the past that you’ve found enjoyable? Is there a technology-free entertainment you’d like to try this week? Please feel free to share your reflections on this week’s reading study or on your experience with alternative entertainment. We look forward to hearing your ideas!



Transform Your Use of Technology with the Eight Points

Thanks to all of you for your insightful comments and engagement with our current theme of technology. It’s a rich topic, and it’s great you’re taking the time to consider it as a satsang. Were you motivated to look more deeply at your technology use or to try something new this week?

Have a look at the three aphorisms below from Easwaran. Is there something tangible and specific you can try in your regular life at home, inspired by one of these? Or is there an idea here that you’ll think about and be more aware of this week? For example, you might do your spiritual reading this week while being more attuned to the sages’ understanding of the “indivisible, the full.” Or perhaps you can create a small sense-training experiment around technology for the week – you decide!



Applying the Eight-Point Program to Technology

This month we’re shifting to considering the relationship between our use of technology and our practice of the eight-point program. We’ll be using the latest Blue Mountain Journal to lead us.

This is a special opportunity to share as a satsang about technology. It’s a topic that touches us all, so this is a chance to slow down, and reflect on our own technology use – with the eight points at the forefront. It’s a chance to speak openly about experiments you’ve tried or ask for tips with a specific challenge.

In each week of May, we’ll focus on three different aphorisms from Easwaran (about his relationship to) on technology. We invite you to reflect on his statements (one or all three) as they relate to your life. We’d love to hear your technology triumphs and trials. In addition to the three aphorisms, we’ll share a longer reading excerpt for inspiration.