Week 2.png

We are continuing to reflect on the impact that Easwaran and his teachings have had on our lives. This week, we have a special invitation for you to consider for the end of the month, and another reading study below.

On October 28, a local group in Tomales will gather at Ramagiri Ashram with Christine Easwaran to share readings, watch a video, and meditate together. We invite you to set aside time for your own celebration – whether that be a special dedication of your morning meditation, taking a day for a personal retreat, or organizing an event with friends. You could do it on October 28, or find another day and time that works better for you.

How would you like to take part in the worldwide celebration of Easwaran’s life and teachings? Create a plan! Here are some possible activities you could do. Please share your ideas and plans with each other!

  • Study the passage "Life of My Life," asking yourself which lines are particularly meaningful to you, and which qualities you might gain by meditating on it. Then you could memorize it, and use it in your meditation.
  • Meditate for 30 minutes on October 28. The local group in Tomales will be meditating together at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. If you can, join us in spirit by meditating at the same time wherever you are. If you’d like, you can join the online community via this Facebook event.
  • Watch the Life Celebration video, a special Easwaran video created for the event. The video will be available for streaming right here on Saturday, October 28 – it’s a great resource for your own celebration!
  • Write the mantram for peace and well-being in the world, or for a person or situation you’re concerned about.
  • Take a silent walk, repeating your mantram.
  • Have a meal with others.

This excerpt is from the Fall 2017 Blue Mountain Journal, by Eknath Easwaran.

The Outer Teacher, and the Teacher Within

The word guru literally means “heavy” – one so heavy that no storm can uproot him, as heavy as a mountain that withstands the hurricane without flinching. A guru is a person who is so deeply established within himself that no force on earth can affect the complete love he feels for everyone. If you curse him, he will bless you; if you harm him, he will serve you; and if you exploit him, he will become your benefactor.

It is good for us to remember that the supreme teacher or guru is in all of us, call him Krishna or call him Christ, but we need an external teacher who has become aware of the teacher within and will help us make this discovery for ourselves. The outer teacher makes us aware of the teacher within, and to the extent we can be loyal to the outer teacher, we are being loyal to ourselves, to our deepest Self, our atman.We are told in the scriptures to select a teacher very carefully. We have to listen carefully, judge carefully, and then make our own decision. Once we make a decision and select an outer teacher who is suited to our spiritual needs, we must be completely loyal to him.

Caught, not taught

Spiritual awareness is really not taught; it is caught. This is a beautiful way of saying that when we love someone who lives without any thought of his own personal satisfaction, who devotes all his energy, love, and wisdom to help those around him find wisdom, we absorb, through our deep love for him, something of his spiritual awareness. Constant association with people who are spiritually advanced supports us by a process of absorption.

If I may refer to my own small example, I have committed the innumerable mistakes that most of us commit in our modern civilization, but in giving all my love to my Grandmother, I was able to attain some spiritual awareness.

The teacher steps aside

When the disciples love the guru, it is this love that unifies their consciousness. At the time when we are ready for it, the spiritual teacher will step aside to show us that all the love we have been giving him has been directed to our own atman.

The guru, who has become complete in himself, does not need anyone’s love to make him secure; it is in order to unify the consciousness of the disciple that the relationship exists. All the external teacher can do is be a reflection of the student’s atman. He is the symbol of the unity of all life until the student can make the discovery that the Lord is within his own heart.

Ask for blessings

When you begin your meditation, it is very helpful to ask for the blessings of your teacher, who has no selfish attachments and expects nothing from you in return. Your teacher’s joy lies solely in enabling you to discover your own real Self and make a great contribution to the world. That is why I always begin my meditation with an expression of my love and gratitude for my teacher, my mother’s mother.