

A warm welcome to those who have recently joined the ‘Living and Learning’ private Facebook Group! If you haven’t yet seen the New Year’s Day Mantram Relay, please check out the Facebook Group, and help us collectively keep the mantram going for all 24 hours of January 1, 2018.

You will need a Facebook account to access this group. If you don’t have one, consider creating an alias account, just for the purpose of satsang!

This month, we’ll focus on the subtle point of Slowing Down. Slowing Down dovetails nicely into our sense-training experiments from last month – and even extends them in a new way. When we’re more slowed down during the day, we’re more likely to be aware of our conditioned habits. Slowing down is about slowing down our thinking process. It can include prioritizing effectively on those inevitable days when not everything can get finished or the unexpected emerges – quite common around the holidays!

Is there something you have done in your life to help you slow down effectively? How has that helped you? We’d love to hear your strategies and gifts of wisdom! Please share your tips with us.

To inspire us to slow down, we’re offering a short clip (three minutes) of Easwaran called “Slowing Down Our Thoughts”. Let’s try watching him with as much One-Pointed Attention as possible. Please feel free to share your reflections of Easwaran’s tips.