An entrance to Shanti, the meditation hall at Ramagiri Ashram.

An entrance to Shanti, the meditation hall at Ramagiri Ashram.

Thank you all for your enagement with the passage ‘You Are That’. It’s really meaningful to have the opportunity to spend time studying a passage outside of meditation.

This week, we invite you to join Ramagiri Ashram as we prepare ourselves inwardly for Easwaran’s life celebration on October 27. There are many ways to be connected to the Ashram from wherever you are to deepen your re-dedication efforts. Here are some possible ways to prepare:

  • Between 5:00–7:00 a.m. and 5:00–7:00 p.m. Ramagiri residents are in Shanti, the meditation hall, going through their passages silently in their minds. Regardless of what time you are meditating, when you are concentrating on your passages, you too can feel a connection.

  • Visit the Easwaran Digital Library to access a collection of video talks. Watch a whole 30-minute talk as the Ramagiri community does every evening, or watch for just a few minutes – it’s always wonderful inspiration!

  • Take a walk, silently repeating your mantram, as Easwaran and Christine did every day, and as Christine continues to do daily.

  • Read on in the Blue Mountain Journal, “Do You Know Who You Really Are?”

  • Dip into the book, With My Love and Blessings, which is full of beautiful photos and Easwaran’s words documenting his teaching years from 1966–1999. This is a wonderful resource to turn to regularly.

The access road to Ramagiri Ashram.

The access road to Ramagiri Ashram.

Next Saturday, October 27, a local group in Tomales will gather at Ramagiri Ashram with Christine Easwaran to share readings, watch a video, and meditate together.

We invite you to set aside time for your own celebration – whether that be a special dedication of your morning meditation, taking a day for a personal retreat, or organizing an event with passage meditator friends. You could do it on October 27, or find another day and time that works better for you.

How would you like to take part in the worldwide celebration of Easwaran’s life and teachings? Create a plan and share it with us!

Here are some possible activities:

  • Try out any of the activities in Week One and Week Two that you haven’t tried already.

  • Meditate for 30 minutes.

    • The local group in Tomales will be meditating together at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. If you can, join us in spirit by meditating at the same time.

    • You could also join a virtual meditation being hosted by volunteers from the Young Adult eSatsang group, shared via the BMCM Living & Learning Facebook Group. To find out more, join the Facebook Group and see the Life Celebration Event.

  • Watch the Life Celebration video, a special Easwaran video created for the event. The video will be available on Monday October 22 – it’s a great resource for your own celebration!

  • Write your mantram dedicated to peace and well-being in the world, or for a person or situation you’re concerned about.

  • Take a silent walk, repeating your mantram.

  • Share a meal with others.

  • Plan on taking a photo and sending it in! We’d love to share some photos afterwards of all the groups all over the world taking part in this event. You can post your photo in the Facebook Group or send it to us at

Mantram walking in Tomales, California.

Mantram walking in Tomales, California.

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