
We’ve come to the end of our month dedicated to the pursuit of reading more spiritual literature from the scriptures and mystics. Thank you all for joining us in our experiments and for sharing your inspiring successes and challenges.

Chapter Eight in Passage Meditation, entitled “Spiritual Reading,” is an important chapter. Easwaran emphasizes the significance of each of the eight points in our spiritual practice. In Chapter Eight, Easwaran has ten full pages of recommended spiritual writings, which come from a wide array of traditions we can draw inspiration from. Of course you can also simply focus on reading Easwaran’s own books, which draw on all the great spiritual traditions of the world.

If you have a copy of Passage Meditation (any edition), try referring to Easwaran’s list of recommended spiritual titles in Chapter Eight. Do you see one of your favorites? Is there a title you hadn’t noticed before? Is there one that surprisingly appeals to you? Does this generous list inspire you to dig into one of these gems that Easwaran is encouraging us to read? Or would you like to tackle one of Easwaran’s own books that you have not yet read?

We realize that not everyone has a copy of Passage Meditation. For this reason, we’re asking those who do to help us create a collective list of titles and authors that inspire you so that we can share them with our eSatsang community (including Easwaran’s books!). You might consider this as a way of putting others first!

To conclude, we’re pleased to share a short video of Easwaran reading directly from Gandhi’s writings regarding the value of his own spiritual reading from the Bhagavad Gita. Happy reading!

PS - We promised to share our Spiritual Reading experiments poll results with you from last week. Thanks to each of you who participated. Your results are below - well done team!

From 28 respondents.

From 28 respondents.

From 17 respondents.

From 17 respondents.