A memorial rock at Ramagiri Ashram commemorating Sri Easwaran.
This week, we invite you to join Ramagiri Ashram as we prepare ourselves inwardly for Easwaran’s Life Celebration on October 26. Here are some possible ways you could prepare:
Between 5:00–7:00 a.m. and 5:00–7:00 p.m. there are Ramagiri residents in Shanti, going through their passages silently in their minds. Regardless of what time you are meditating, when you are concentrating on your passages you too can feel a connection.
Visit the Easwaran Digital Library to access a collection of video talks. Watch a whole 30-minute talk as the community does at Ramagiri, or watch just a few minutes of a talk – it’s always wonderful inspiration! Visit www.bmcm.org/join-edl to sign up for the Easwaran Digital Library.
Take a walk silently repeating your mantram, as Easwaran and Christine did every day, and as Christine continues to do daily.
Review the article “Seeing God Everywhere” from the Blue Mountain Journal.
Dip into the book With My Love and Blessings which is full of beautiful photos and short readings from Easwaran, documenting his teaching years from 1966–1999. This is a wonderful resource to turn to regularly.
On Saturday, October 26, a local group in Tomales will gather at Ramagiri Ashram with Christine Easwaran to share readings, watch a video, and meditate together. We invite you to set aside time for your own celebration – whether that be a special dedication of your morning meditation, taking a day for a personal retreat, or organizing an event with passage meditator friends. You could do it on October 26 or find another day and time that works better for you.
How would you like to take part in the worldwide celebration of Easwaran’s life and teachings? Create a plan!
Here are some possible activities you could do:
Try out any of the activities in Weeks One and Two that you haven’t tried already.
Meditate for 30 minutes.
The local group in Tomales will be meditating together at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. If you can, join us in spirit by meditating at the same time.
Watch the Life Celebration video, a special Easwaran video created for the event. The video will be available on the BMCM website on October 23 – it’s a great resource for your own celebration!
Write the mantram for peace and well-being in the world, or for a person or situation you’re concerned about.
Take a silent walk, repeating your mantram.
Have a vegetarian meal with others.
For families with young children:
Plan your own family celebration of Easwaran’s life. Share with your children that they belong to a big loving spiritual family all over the world, and we are all honoring our Teacher today. Here are some possible activities to choose from, but make it your own, full of light and joy:
Create a simple altar with pictures and images of the Lord and your favorite mystics.
Read the passage “The One Appearing as Many” together.
Say or sing the mantram together.
Read one of the stories from The Monkey and the Mango, and then act it out together.
Spend time in nature together.
Make a vegetarian meal together and bless the meal by repeating your mantrams together.
Watch part or all of the Life Celebration video, a special Easwaran video created for the event. The video will be available on the BMCM website after October 23.
For teens and youth:
Know that young people have a special place in Easwaran’s heart. You are beloved members of a big worldwide spiritual family and we treasure your presence among us.
Would you like to plan your own celebration of Easwaran’s life? Here are some suggestions to choose from, but make it your own:
Meditate for 15 minutes on “The One Appearing as Many.” Remember that many passage meditators are joining you today.
Take a mantram walk in nature, remembering the divine core in all you see.
Make a vegetarian meal with family or friends and bless the meal by repeating your mantrams together.
Watch part or all of the the Life Celebration video, a special Easwaran video created for the event. The video will be available on the BMCM website after October 23.
For those who have more time
If you would like to put more time into your spiritual practice dive as deeply as you can into the suggestions that have been made in this module for everyone.
In the Easwaran Digital Library watch Part 3 of Easwaran’s commentary from July 17, 1995 on the entire Shvetashvatara Upanishad. You could try watching a few minutes each day, as a part of your personal spiritual schedule. If you are not yet a member of the Easwaran Digital Library visit www.bmcm.org/join-edl to sign up.