Thank you for all of your responses and encouraging experiments! It’s great to hear about all of the effort we’re putting in collectively to deepen our practice of the eight-point program.

In the video clip we have available to watch this week Easwaran tells us that through his teacher he received the fathomless legacy of repeating the mantram. One of the precious jewels embedded in this talk is his stunning reference to sleep and using the mantram during the night: “At night, when I used to sleep not very long, for hours together I would be repeating the mantram.”

We introduced this possibility of repeating the mantram before falling off to sleep in last week’s exercise. Another possible experiment is to repeat the mantram if you wake up in the middle of the night. Feel free to continue experimenting with extending your use of the mantram by playing a bit more with it at night as well as during the day.

We’d love to hear more about how your effort with enhancing your use of the mantram is going. What successes and/or challenges have you encountered?

For inspiration from Easwaran, please enjoy this four-minute video that was shown in the November 16th Online Workshop. What are your thoughts on Easwaran’s comments? Did something resonate with you? We’d very much like to hear what stood out to you from the video.