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Continuing our study of the new Fall 2020 / Winter 2021 Blue Mountain Journal A World in Crisis – Part 2: Our Role as Instruments of Peace, this week we will read the first half of Easwaran’s article “A Prayer for Transformation,” from page 12 through the section ending on page 21. Here Easwaran shares the story of Saint Francis and describes the Prayer of Saint Francis as "a blueprint for making our life a blessing for everyone," giving us “the key to his transformation and a new vision of what a human being can become.” May we be newly inspired to join in this call to the best in ourselves!

  • Is there a tip in this reading that is particularly challenging for you? How will you wrestle with it this week?

  • Continue your effort to imitate Easwaran’s evening routine. He started at dinner, consciously creating an atmosphere in the ashram of light-hearted, loving companionship. Try this in your own way in your unique setting. Then at the end of the day, turn off other media, read from Easwaran for a few minutes, and let the mantram soothe you to sleep.

For a spiritual treat this week, we are pleased to offer this three-minute video in which Easwaran explains how by slowing down our thoughts in meditation we can come to experience peace, security, and joy.