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Our recent theme has been how to be of service amidst a world in crisis. Now as we close this challenging year let’s turn for inspiration and balm to Easwaran via the Fall 2019 Blue Mountain Journal Seeing the Lord in All. Let’s begin by studying the short articles on pages 2 and 3 and starting the first extended article from Easwaran, reading pages 5–11. Here Easwaran writes:

“In all the world’s great religions, this is the purpose of human life: to realize God in the depths of our consciousness. It means discovering that we are not physical creatures that can be satisfied with physical gratifications, but spiritual beings made in the image of God. This supreme discovery brings a complete transformation of personality that cannot help making profound changes in the world around us.

“That is why I say that as I present it, religion is the solution to all the problems that burden us today. In a truly religious country we would have no wars, no violence, no exploitation, no pollution of air and water — for the simple reason that when you realize God, you see God in everyone.”

  • What is one statement that speaks to your heart in this reading? How will you put it into action this week?

  • To prepare for our January 3 Mantram Day for Peace and Healing, we are working together on extending our mantram practice. On your regular mantram walk, try repeating the mantram very softly (in the mind) as if whispering.

  • Save the date! Please plan to join us on January 3 for BMCM Satsang Live at 9:40 am Pacific Time (convert to your time zone) and for a Mantram Day for Peace and Healing.

And for a spiritual bonus this week, here is a “A New Year’s Message” from Easwaran. In this talk given just before the New Year in 1978, Easwaran challenges us to renew our earnest commitment to the spiritual life.