
We hope you are finding inspiration in our study of the Blue Mountain Journal Gandhi & Nonviolence: Love in Action, Transforming Anger. This week we will study Easwaran’s article “Nonviolence in Practice” on pages 39–45, where he says, “In mystical language, a river of divine love is flowing in the depths of every one of us. When you and I return kindness for unkindness, that cosmic river carries our act of love into the depths of the unkind person’s consciousness.”

  • What is one statement that speaks to your heart in this reading? How will you put it into action this week?

  • Continue your effort to imitate Easwaran’s evening routine. Even if some nights you can’t do it, try again to build your routine of turning off other media, reading from Easwaran for a few minutes, and then going to bed repeating the mantram.

We’ll end with another spiritual treat: we hope you enjoy this recording of Christine Easwaran reading the passage “In the Midst of Darkness” from Mahatma Gandhi!