Continuing our study of the Fall 2019 Blue Mountain Journal Seeing the Lord in All, this week let’s read the short articles from Easwaran on pages 26–27 and 28–29, and also start his longer article “Remove the Veil of Self-will,” reading from page 33 to the end of the section on page 35. Throughout, Easwaran helps us see past our differences. He writes, “All our greatness comes from this common humanity, and when we constantly keep our eyes fixed on it, we discover the unity of life which is divine.”
What is the most important thing that Easwaran said to you in this reading? How can you apply it in your life?
It was wonderful to be together with so many of you for our day of mantrams for peace and healing in the world! Let’s keep our mantram practice growing. This week try an experiment. Sit comfortably in a chair. Resolve to repeat the mantram for three minutes without having any other thought at all. Then try it. After you succeed at doing this a few days in a row, try extending that practice to five minutes.