
We are continuing our preparation for Easwaran’s life celebration on Sunday, October 24. In the meantime, there isn’t time to waste. Every day, we each need to infuse the spiritual renaissance with a little more life, a little more love. Let’s all focus on what we are certain of, what we can do from day to day, and how we can join together to strengthen our unity. This six-week program is a time we can all join hands and build intimacy with our teacher to respond to these compelling times. In all the ways you participate, you are strengthening your own practice as well as supporting our beloved community. Your daily meditation and your mantram are healing forces in the world.

This week in the eSatsang, let’s finish Easwaran’s article “The Three Stages of Meditation,” reading pages 38–44 of the 2018 Blue Mountain Journal Do You Know Who You Really Are? In this astounding section, Easwaran describes what happens in the climax of meditation, when we travel deep into our real nature: “In this profound state all petty personal longings, all hungering and thirsting, all sense of incompleteness vanish. We discover, almost in every cell of our being, that deep within us we lack nothing. Our inner reserves of love and wisdom are infinite; we can draw on them endlessly and never diminish them.”

  • What is one statement that speaks to your heart in this reading? How will you put it into action this week?

  • Continuing our reflection for Sri Easwaran’s Life Celebration, think about your daily or weekly schedule. Think of one small way you could tweak that schedule to put meditation first in the upcoming year. Write it down in specific terms. If you’d like, you can use this reflection worksheet to keep your notes.

  • We look forward to spending time with Easwaran – and with you – in BMCM Satsang Live this week.

For this week’s spiritual treat, here is the next excerpt from Quietly Changing the World.