In chapter 7 of Take Your Time Easwaran has been guiding us to realize a higher image of ourselves. “Precious treasures lie within our consciousness,” he writes, boundless joy, and freedom from anger, fear, and greed. And the stillness of mind gained through practice of meditation is the key to this treasury.

This week as we finish the chapter, reading pages 164–168, let’s each take a step toward stilling our minds through the practice of meditation. “And when this state is achieved,” Easwaran relates, “a great teacher of meditation in ancient India makes this quiet statement: ‘Now you see yourself as you really are.’”

  • Read this article as if you and Easwaran are having a conversation. What advice does he give you, and how can you apply it this week?

  • Let’s continue extending our mantram practice in support of the day of mantrams. This week, on Sunday’s mantram day or anytime, try writing your mantram in designs, perhaps using colored pens, to create a piece of mantram art. This can be very simple. You don’t need to be an artist, but the activity can engage you and allow you to stick with the mantram for an extended period.

  • Save the date! Please plan to join us on January 2 for BMCM Satsang Live at 9:40 am Pacific Time (convert to your time zone) and for a Mantram Day for Peace and Healing.