In this week’s reading, pages 110–118 of Take Your Time, Easwaran continues illuminating the dynamics of likes and dislikes by focusing on a connection “unsuspected today” between food and the mind.
“When your mind is under control, your taste buds will ask politely for food that is good for you. But when you are speeded up, your palate is likely to clamor for its old favorites – and you are going to be much more vulnerable to its demands. In this way, by observing how the mind responds to food, you can get a precious early warning when your mind is starting to get speeded up or out of control.”
Let’s take a fresh look at training the senses through Easwaran’s eyes and continue moving toward living in freedom.
What is Easwaran telling you about the workings of your own mind? This week, use this new understanding to get some cooperation from your mind when it is being uncooperative. Tell us how it goes!
As a challenge this week, try this experiment from the “Ideas and Suggestions” on page 125:
Go on a leisurely outing with family or friends, doing what they like, enjoying their enjoyment.
For our spiritual bonus this week, here is Easwaran reading the passage “Living in Wisdom” from the Bhagavad Gita.