"…Someone inside is watching everything, someone who never misses a thing,” Granny tells Easwaran in the story he uses to start this week’s essay, titled “The Internal Witness.”

This internal witness is our real Self, hidden by many layers of conditioning. “Our whole job in life is to remove these veils – that is, to overcome all the compulsive aspects of our surface personality.”

This week let’s read the first half of this essay, pages 105–111 in Climbing the Blue Mountain, ending with “…we are beginning to identify with our real Self.”

  • What is one statement that speaks to your heart in this reading? How will you put it into action this week?

  • Let’s continue extending our practice of putting others first.

    • Easwaran writes, “Nothing we do could have a more beneficial influence on those around us than remaining calm and considerate in the midst of ups and downs.” For this week’s challenge, reflect on a situation where you’ve been agitated recently and craft a strategy for remaining calm and considerate the next time you face it.

Ramagiri main building complex, approaching from road, with brown grass, pink flowers.