In this week’s article, “How to Make Wise Choices,” Easwaran responds to the frequent question, “How can we know what the perspective of the Self is? Let alone identify with it? We don’t even know where to look.” His answer is a stirring guide for prioritizing activity throughout our lives. Here is one memorable piece of his strong advice: “…remember Sri Krishna’s injunction from the Bhagavad Gita: ‘Make Me your only goal.’ Everything can be referred to that. Will this deepen my meditation, improve my concentration, make my mind more even, make me less self-centered? If it will, I will do it; if it won’t, I will not.”

Let’s read that full article on pages 53–57, along with Easwaran’s brief article “Putting Anger to Work: The Bear” on pages 36–38 of the Spring/Summer 2017 issue of the Blue Mountain Journal.

  • Read this article as if you and Easwaran are having a conversation. What advice does he give you, and how can you apply it this week?

  • Here’s this week’s putting others first challenge, direct from Easwaran. He writes:

    • “I am all ears when somebody says, ‘I don’t know how to be kind. I don’t know how to release deeper resources to make my life count.’ I say, ‘I can teach you!’ That is what meditation is for. Memorize a passage on kindness, memorize a passage on goodness, and then drive it inwards. You will become kind; you will become good.”

    • Try his advice this week and tell us how it goes!

  • Mantrams for Peace and Healing

    • If you’ve been filling a little mantram book for peace and healing in the world, keep those mantrams coming! We hope to gather all the books by February 14, a day especially inaugurated by Christine as “Ramagiri Aspirations Day.” On Aspirations Day, the Ramagiri residents gather to rededicate themselves to Easwaran’s legacy. We hope to place all those books full of mantrams before Easwaran’s altar at Ramagiri. That will be a fitting offering for peace and healing in the world.

      • Let’s all send our mantram books to:

        PO Box 256
        Tomales, CA 94971

And for our spiritual bonus, here is Easwaran reading “The Way of Love” from the Bhagavad Gita.