
On Sunday, April 12, we will gather together virtually with Ramagiri Ashram for our shared contemplative practice for the Kerala celebration of Vishu, a day that was dear to the heart of Granny, Easwaran’s spiritual Teacher. Although we won’t be physically together, the spiritual forces that connect us are far beyond the borders of time and space. Together, we will deepen our meditation and light the lamp of wisdom within us all. 

The significance of Vishu is to mirror the pure spark of divinity within each of us, making this ancient ritual a very modern remedy for our times.

Here Easwaran describes the ceremony:

“In Kerala state, South India, where I grew up, the new year is ushered in with a ceremony many centuries old. The night before, while most of the family is asleep, a special shrine is assembled with all kinds of lustrous objects – yellow flowers, brassware, gold jewelry, ripe fruits, lighted oil lamps – arranged around a mirror draped with garlands. The next morning, each member of the family is led to the shrine with eyes closed and asked, ‘Would you like to see the Lord?’ We open our eyes, and shining in the midst of this bright setting we see our own face in the glass. It is a beautiful reminder of the divinity in each of us – the viewer and everyone else around.”

We invite you to take part virtually in this program with  your spiritual family at Ramagiri Ashram, in whatever way works for you. The activities below are listed in Pacific Time. See what time that would start for you.

30 minutes between 5:00-7:00 a.m.: Meditation
10:00 a.m.: Reading Study and Mirror Activity (curriculum here)
11:15 a.m.: Break
11:30 a.m.: Mantram walk
12:00 noon: Videotaped talk by Easwaran  April 18, 1987, part 1 (available on the Easwaran Digital Library)
12:30 p.m.: Half-hour of meditation
1:00 p.m.: Lunch and cleanup
2:30 p.m.: Half-hour of mantram writing with Christine Easwaran
30 minutes between 5:00-7:00 p.m.: Meditation
8:10 p.m.: Listen to Easwaran sing his mantram to prepare for the evening video
8:15 p.m.: Evening videotaped talk by Easwaran April 18, 1987, part 2 (available on the Easwaran Digital Library)

  • What particularly speaks to you from the reading or the video-taped talk?

  • What was it like to spend a day living out the spiritual schedule with your Ramagiri brothers and sisters? Any part of this spiritual schedule you could incorporate into your life?