In this month of invigorated practice of the eight points, Easwaran’s granny has been an inspiring presence. She is firm and unshakeable, focused on an eternal reality of love, light, and goodness, regardless of external circumstances. Just as Granny’s presence gives solace and peace to little people like you and me, here at the BMCM we’ve felt that your presence is surely bringing solace and peace to those around you, giving you glimpses of the divine face behind all faces.
This week, let’s turn directly to our Teacher for support and guidance, so we can glimpse the divine face behind all the faces around us. At Ramagiri, we all gather together each evening to watch a talk from the Easwaran Digital Library. We find Easwaran answering our questions, soothing our upsets, laughing with us, and scolding us when we need it!
Please join us for Easwaran’s “evening class” this week. Feel free to share any insights.