“To re-ignite enthusiasm when it is slowly fading, the best thing you can do is to spend time with a passionately enthusiastic teacher,” Easwaran advises in this week’s reading. How fortunate we are to have a teacher with endless enthusiasm, penetrating insight, and steadfast practicality! The new Fall 2021 issue of the Blue Mountain Journal focuses on Easwaran’s clarion call to give full effort to deepening our meditation. Let’s enjoy his company as we read Easwaran’s “Tips for Tightening Up the Ship” on pages 25–42 and try to answer his call for depth by studying the finer points that he says together determine the quality of our meditation.

  • What is the most important thing that Easwaran said to you in this reading? How can you apply it this week to improve your practice of the eight-point program?

  • We are working to deepen our meditation. Is there a meditation tip in this reading that is particularly challenging for you? How will you wrestle with it this week?

Let’s return to the audio section of the Easwaran Digital Library for our spiritual bonus. This week let’s visit the Passages for Building Positive Qualities. (You’ll first need to log in for this link to work; if it’s your first time, use the button Create new account from the login page). Try clicking the heading Courage near the bottom of the page. Then in the player near the top of the page check Play all passages in this category and use the Play button to begin.