Meditation: From Distraction to Absorption, the new Fall 2021 issue of the Blue Mountain Journal, has been our focus the past several weeks. As we now conclude our study, Easwaran gives us a glimpse of the almost indescribable goal of meditation and its final approach as we read “In the Final Stages” on pages 49–59, and “A Summons from the Depths of the Heart” which urges us toward that goal, on page 61.

The destination is exalted, but the path to get there involves familiar effort: “In these last stages of sadhana, we are trying to keep consciousness in a continuous, unbroken channel. The morning and evening periods of meditation set the standard; then we try to extend these periods of one-pointed attention through the rest of the day. While we are working at something, we give the job our complete attention. And the minute the job is over, we start the mantram.”

And with that effort, we have Easwaran’s assurance of the result: “In this way, with meditation and daily living supporting each other, your spiritual growth will be swift and sure.”

  • Which lines particularly strike you, and how can you apply them to improve your practice this week?

  • Throughout this journal study, we have given special effort to deepening our meditation. What is one positive effect you have noticed from these efforts?

Next week we will return to our book study of Take Your Time, so have your copy ready!