As we end “Time for Relationships,” chapter 6 of Take Your Time, Easwaran continues to help us understand the connections between slowing down and fulfilling relationships – and between developing patience and learning to love. He is showing us the way to a more fulfilling life. And he says the destination is not totally unfamiliar:

“…in those rare moments of self-forgetfulness that come to all of us, when you forget your petty, personal desires in helping your family or community or country, you pay a brief visit to heaven right here on earth.”

May we each take time for relationships this week and experience a little visit to heaven on earth.

  • Is there a tip in this reading that is particularly challenging for you? How will you wrestle with it this week?

  • We’ve been nurturing personal relationships by working through the ideas and suggestions on pages 151–152. Read through that list and choose an experiment that fits best for you this week. Tell us how it goes!

  • Save the date! Plan to join us on Sunday, January 2 for a day of mantrams for peace and healing in the world.