“Only rarely does someone arise to remind us that we are not incomplete but whole – not imperfect physical creatures, but essentially spiritual beings whose greatest need is simply to discover our real nature.”

In Chapter 6 Easwaran urged us to use the spiritual skills we’ve been building throughout our book study to cultivate beautiful personal relationships with others. Now in Chapter 7 he asks us to look inside. Only by discovering who we truly are, he explains, can we find abiding joy and be of lasting service. This week let’s start this chapter by reading pages 153–157.

  • What is one statement that speaks to your heart in this reading? How will you put it into action this week?

  • In the Ideas and Suggestions section on page 169 you’ll find three points from Easwaran’s eight-point program of passage meditation: spiritual reading, mantram repetition, and meditation. Easwaran tells us in this chapter that these points can help us to realize a higher image of ourselves. This week let’s experiment with emphasizing spiritual reading. Let us know how it goes!

“All of us need daily inspiration to remind us of the higher meaning and purpose of our lives. I recommend half an hour or so each day for reading from the scriptures and the writings of the great mystics of all religions.” (See more on this topic on page 157.)

  • Save the date! On January 2, passage meditators around the world will dedicate the day to repeating our mantrams for peace and healing in the world. You might start planning this day with your family so that our mantram day will blend gracefully into your unique home setting.

For a spiritual bonus, here is a five-minute video of Easwaran on seeing the divine core of your personality, and on the glory of the human being.