“When the mind is still, you see everybody as your own Self,” Easwaran explains in this week’s final selection from Take Your Time, pages 184–189. As we complete our book study – a first for our eSatsang! – we can appreciate our accomplishment and reflect on how we’ve grown.

Let’s give Easwaran the final word:

“You and I, when the mind is still, see that the mountains and the seas, the forests and the rivers, the animals and the birds, the trees and the plants, all nations, all races, all men and women and children, are one. Once you see this in the silence of your heart, you will never be the same person again. You will return from this summit of spiritual awareness full of practical wisdom, passionate love, and untiring energy which you will want to use for the benefit of all.”

  • Which lines particularly strike you, and how can you apply them to your life this week?

  • Think back over the past several months during which we’ve systematically read the whole volume Take Your Time from Easwaran, particularly on the benefits you have received. Write down your observations.

  • We are working to extend our practice of the mantram to help still our minds. This week, on your regular mantram walk, try repeating the mantram very loudly (in the mind).