Having finished our book study of Take Your Time, let’s return to the rich back issues of the Blue Mountain Journal. In An End to Loneliness, the Spring 2016 issue, Easwaran describes the power of satsang:

“If you are following my eight-point program, my practical suggestion would be to make time to meditate as often as possible with others on the same path. You may read together for a short while or watch one of our videos, but the most important part is meditation. Wherever people meditate together, a healing force is released that deepens the experience for all. As Jesus says, ‘Where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am present in the midst of them.’”

 This week let’s read pages 3–10.

This is also an excellent opportunity to pause and appreciate the power of this dear satsang. As Christine Easwaran notes in the issue’s introduction, the internet has helped enormously for serious meditators seeking fellowship, and this eSatsang is an excellent example. We are grateful for each of you in this wonderful community of devoted meditators from all over the world.

  • What is the most important thing that Easwaran said to you in this reading? How can you apply it in your life?

  • Throughout this journal study, let’s give special attention to our practice of spiritual fellowship. What do you find most helpful or nourishing about the ways you already practice spiritual fellowship?

  • In a few weeks, on February 25th, the eSatsang will begin studying Easwaran’s Mantram Handbook. To prepare, make sure you have the book available. If you’d like to buy a copy in our online store you can use the coupon code manymantrams to receive a 40% discount. Please note that shipping may take a little longer than usual – please allow about 2-3 weeks for delivery, so order your books early. If you are purchasing less than three weeks before the book study begins, you may want to order from an online retailer that offers expedited shipping. Please note that the BMCM discount on books is not available from online retailers.

To close, here’s a spiritual treat. Easwaran comments on the Buddha's instruction to his son in this six-minute video, offering practical suggestions for overcoming anger and developing compassion and a calm mind.