Easwaran sounds several cautions in this week’s reading from The Mantram Handbook, pages 27–32, for example advising us not to make up our own mantram or to change mantrams, and not to feel disappointed if the mantram’s effects are not immediate.

And as usual he offers consolations, too:

“This is the realization each of us will have if we repeat the mantram faithfully: God has to respond to our earnest call, and he will respond in the way that is best for us. This is the testimony of all the great men and women of God in all the world’s spiritual traditions.”

Let’s continue working together with our mantrams and building faith that God will respond to our call.

  • What is one statement that speaks to your heart in this reading? How will you put it into action this week?

  • For our mantram-deepening experiment this week, say your mantram before starting tasks. See how often you can do this. Can you make it a habit? For example:

    • When sending email or text messages, say your mantram a few times before hitting “send.”

    • When you walk from one place to another, say the mantram to help you transition.

  • If you don’t yet have the book The Mantram Handbook available, make sure you get it so you can join for the rest of the book study. You may want to order from an online retailer that offers expedited shipping. (If you’d like to buy a copy in our BMCM online store you can use the coupon code manymantrams to receive a 40% discount, however, shipping may take 2-3 weeks for delivery. Please note that the BMCM discount on books is not available from online retailers.)

For our spiritual bonus this week, here is Christine Easwaran reading the passage “The Power of the Holy Name” from Meera.