We are on to chapter three of Easwaran’s The Mantram Handbook, in which he describes mantrams from great spiritual traditions around the world. “In each tradition we have a different holy name, a different mantram,” he relates, “but all are equally valid.” Here’s an anecdote he shares to color this message:

“Many different languages are spoken in India, and in train stations travelers will hear water venders calling out vellam in my old state of Kerala, tanni in the neighboring state of Tamil Nadu, nilu further north in Andhra, and pani in Hindi-speaking areas. Since I come from Kerala, I respond to vellam: to me, it sounds the most like water of all these words. But to you who speak English, ‘water’ sounds just right. Whatever the name, it is the same water; it is equally refreshing by any name, and it quenches our thirst just as well.”

This week’s reading is from page 33 to the middle of 39, where Easwaran begins with mantrams from the Christian tradition.

  • What is the most important thing that Easwaran said to you in this reading? How can you apply it in your life?

  • We are working to deepen our practice of the mantram. Here is our experiment of the week:

    • Is there someone who you see often, who you feel critical towards? If so, smother the criticism with cheerful mantrams; pre-empt the criticism with the mantram as a reminder that the Lord is in this person. This is a version of “mantram forgiveness.”

For this week’s spiritual treat, let’s return to the Audio Talks section of the Easwaran Digital Library. This is a vast collection of talks that will be permanently available. Let’s continue with the Patanjali talks,* this time beginning Talk Three. The full talk is over an hour, but you can listen to part of it now and when you return the player will resume where you left off. If time is short, consider starting with just the first five minutes, in which Easwaran begins tracing the progress of meditation during its final stages.

* You’ll need to log in for the link above to work. If it’s your first time, use the button Create new account from the login page.